Login & Password Help

If you are experiencing issues logging in, whether it is because your password is incorrect, you've been locked out due to too many failed attempts, or any other reason, please refer to the following troubleshooting options to help you quickly gain access to the event based on common error messages.

You have reached the maximum number of failed login attempts. Use the Reset Password option to reset your password and attempts.

To protect your account, we lock access after a certain number of failed attempts at logging in. Ensure you aren't sharing access to your account with multiple people. The quickest way to solve this is to simply click on the "Reset Password" option on the login page. An email with a new password will be sent to you, and your login attempts will have reset as well. Check your junk folder in case you don't receive the email in your inbox. The email will come from "no-reply@pheedloop.com" with the subject "Your temporary password".

Sorry, it looks like your email address or password is not correct. Please try again, or reset your password.

Ensure your password is being entered precisely. Sometimes attendees copy in extra spaces if they are copy/pasting the password into the field from an email, or if they are typing it in manually they get some characters wrong. If you are absolutely certain the password you are entering is exactly what was sent to you, please use the "Reset Password" option on the login page. An email with a new password will be sent to you. Check your junk folder in case you don't receive the email in your inbox. The email will come from "no-reply@pheedloop.com" with the subject "Your temporary password".

We can't find anyone with that email address. Please ensure you are registered for the event with this email address.

You may not be registered for the event, or if you are registered, you are using an incorrect email address. Double-check your inbox for a confirmation email from the event and ensure you are using the exact same email address you registered with. If you cannot get past this error, contact your event organizer as you may have registered under someone else's email address or an alternate email address, or there may have been a typo when you were registering for the event.

Sorry, you cannot login to an event you are not attending

Your login credentials are valid, but you are not registered for the specific event you are trying to access. Contact the event organizer for assistance.

Getting an "Access Denied" page upon logging in

The two reasons you will get this message is if you are trying to login to an event you are not attending, or some ticket or tag-based restrictions have been enforced by the event planners restricting only certain groups to the virtual event experience. Click on the "Logout" button, and try logging in again. You may have been previously authenticated with a different account, trying to access an event that you are not necessarily allowed to participate in. Otherwise, contact the event's organizers.

There is an issue with your account, please contact support@pheedloop.com for assistance.

A configuration issue with your account has occurred, likely due to multiple registrations under the same account. Please contact us at support@pheedloop.com for assistance.